1999-389925 – Charles Steele

Just after 9:00pm on Wednesday, August 11th, 1999, Charles Elvery Steele left his residence at 1618 22nd Avenue North and was fatally shot in his driveway before he made it to his vehicle. The shooter fled on foot between nearby houses. Charles Elvery Steele was 44 years old at the time of his death. 

If you have any information regarding the murder of Charles Elvery Steele, please contact the Cold Case Homicide Unit at MNPDColdCase@nashville.gov

You can also call the Nashville Police Department’s Crime Stoppers Division anonymously at 615-742-7463

We feel it is important to put a face to the name. If you have a photograph you would like to submit to be posted (as an addition or substitution) please email: MNPDColdCase@nashville.gov