Victim: Will A. Robinson
Case #: 2020-0003119
Date of Last Contact: Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Last Known Location: 1601 23rd Ave. S. Nashville, TN
Summary: A woman called in and reported that a man had jumped off the Woodland St Bridge. Video shows a man resembling Will Robinson’s stature (view from behind) coming from the area of 2nd Ave N & Church St at approximately 1:06 PM being followed by the woman as they approach the Woodland St Bridge. At 1:07 PM, you can see a large splash in the river at the time the woman states she saw the man jump. She stated that she was 60 to 75% sure that the person she saw jump was Will Robinson. A body was never recovered from the river.
Descriptors: Black-African American/Biological Male, Missing Age 61 Years, 5’7” tall, 165 lbs., Black Hair, Brown Eyes.