Cameron C. Noel

Victim:  Cameron C. Noel

Case #:  2021-0000971

Date of Last Contact:  Thursday, December 24, 2020

Last Known Location:  4118 Providence Lane Nashville, TN

Summary:  Cameron Noel is homeless and frequents the areas of Nolensville Pike and downtown Nashville. He was known to be active on social media but has not posted anything since going missing. He is rumored to have been killed in Riverchase Apartments and that his body was disposed of in the Cumberland River.

Descriptors:  Black-African American/Biological Male, Missing Age 22 Years, 6’3” tall, 185 lbs., Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Tattoos:  “1998” on front of neck; Rose left wrist; diamond, cards & dice with “Life’s Gamble” on left forearm; unknown tattoo upper left arm, unknown tattoo right forearm.

Cameron C Noel

Sex: Male