Walker Bruce, aka “Popeye”

Victim:  Walker Bruce, aka “Popeye”

Case #:  1980-012558

Date of Last Contact:  Monday, January 21, 1980

Last Known Location:  1110 West Trinity Ln. Nashville, TN

Summary:  Walker Bruce was last seen by his daughter at his house at 1110 W. Trinity Lane Nashville, TN on 01/21/1980, at approximately 2:30 PM. When his daughter returned on 01/22/1980, at approximately 10:30 AM, she found the front door of the house open and Walker Bruce missing.

Descriptors:  White-Caucasian/Biological Male, Missing Age 64 Years, 6’ tall, 190 lbs., Gray Hair, Blue Eyes, Last Seen Wearing a Gray Work Shirt and Gray Pants.

Sex: Male
Clothing: Last Seen Wearing a Gray Work Shirt and Gray Pants.