Jennifer Wyant

Victim:  Jennifer Wyant

Case #:  1980-113621

Date of Last Contact:  Saturday, June 28, 1980

Last Known Location:  293 Tanglewood Ct. Nashville, TN (Tanglewood Apts.)

Summary:  Jennifer Wyant is believed to have been abducted in the parking lot of her apartment complex while walking to her apartment after a pool party.  Neighbors reported hearing a female scream and 3-4 individuals pushing someone into a dark colored sedan.  Some of her personal belongings were found a few months later on the side of Blue Lake Rd in Rutherford County, TN.

Descriptors:  White-Caucasian/Biological Female, Missing Age 21 Years, 5’3” tall, 125 lbs., Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Very Light Tan birthmark on left side of neck collar level, Pierced ears with small scars behind the ear lobes from surgery, 1 1/2″ scar midway down on left shin, Chip on center corner of right front tooth.

Sex: Female