“Sheila Cummings” Jane Doe

Victim: “Sheila Cummings” Jane Doe

Case #:  1987-273117

Date Found:  Tuesday, November 17, 1987

Location Found:  3509 Charlotte Pike Nashville, TN

Summary:  The victims’ skeletal remains were found buried in the basement of a house on Charlotte Pike.  A former tenant, James Shaffer, later confessed to killing the woman and burying her in the basement.  The victim was a known sex worker.  She went by the name Sheila Cummings but the name is believed to be an alias.  The manner of death was homicide.

Demographics:  Black/African American, Biological Female, 20-40 years old, 5’8”-5’10” tall, Black Hair, fingers and toenails painted red and yellow, she wore a Gold braided ring with an amber stone and an Elgin Gold watch.  Year of death 1985.


Sex: Female