William Gary Morris

Victim:  William Gary Morris (Known as “Will”)

Case #:  2003- 328239

Date of Last Contact:  Sunday, July 27, 2003

Last Known Location:  2170A Rock City St. Nashville, TN

Summary:  William Morris was last seen by his mother leaving the house to go to the store.

Descriptors:  Black-African American/Biological Male, Missing Age 23 Years, 5’11” tall, 270 lbs., Black Short Balding Hair, Brown Eyes, Black Mustache & Goatee, Raised scar on right hand in circular shape, Raised scar on back of head, Tattoo upper left arm: Jack in the Box w/wording “Joke’s Over.” One upper front tooth was chipped.  Last seen wearing white t-shirt, khaki shorts, black shoes.

William Gary Morris

Sex: Male
Clothing: Last seen wearing white t-shirt, khaki shorts, black shoes.