Nichole R. Burgess

Victim:  Nichole R. Burgess

Case #:  2014-0495743

Date of Last Contact:  Friday, May 23, 2014

Last Known Location:  923B Oak Vale Dr. Nashville, TN

Summary:  Nichole Burgess was reported missing after family and friends failed to have any contact with her over a 2 day period.  The investigation determined Nichole was murdered by an ex-boyfriend who is now in prison.  Her remains have never been recovered.

Descriptors:  White-Caucasion/Biological Female, Missing Age 36 Years, 5’1” tall, 120-125 lbs., Brown Hair-w/Auburn highlights, Gray Eyes; has a club foot; Tattoos-mulitple all over body.

Nichole R Burgess

Sex: Female