Duane Jeffery Williams

Victim:  Duane Jeffery Williams

Case #:  2022-0389991

Date of Last Contact:  Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Last Known Location:  Nashville, TN (Donelson Area)

Summary:  Duane Williams was living in a homeless camp in the Donelson area of Nashville.  He maintained regular contact with his family in Pennsylvania and would take a bus to visit periodically.  When the family had not heard from him in several days and could not contact him by phone, the family made a missing person report.

Descriptors:  White-Caucasian/Biological Male, Missing Age 60 Years, 5’9”-5’11” tall, 145-180 lbs., Brown Hair, Brown Eyes; His right pinky finger is bent in a “V,” He has pins in his foot and ankle (unknown which one), Has a detached/torn left bicep.

Sex: Male